OK, back to the dinner. Well, Sarven was supposed to pick Irna up around 6.30 pm then me and Nick but he was late as usual. So we reached Holiday Villa around 8? Never mind that, the three of us were expecting Sarven to be late so none of us bothered to get prepared early. As most of you would know, I’m not the expressive type of person like Irna so; I’ll keep this short and simple and move on to the pictures. :p
(Irna : This picture is too retarded and too stuuuuuuuuupid to be published in public.
Though I tak tahu malu one but stillllllllll aiyoyo. Shy shy la WL.)
Er... Irna's doing her usual stuff, being nutty... :p While Esther's trying to.. er... Haha, I've no idea what they're up to.
The camera man with the 2 mak cik's...
PS: The pictures are not in order and have not been edited because i am rushing to sleep... :p